6 Catchy Title Ideas For Your Blog Posts From A Winter Park SEO Agency

6 Catchy Title Ideas For Your Blog Posts From A Winter Park SEO Agency

6 Catchy Title Ideas For Your Blog Posts From A Winter Park SEO Agency

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Before you hit “Publish,” take another look at your blog title. Will it encourage users to read your blog? Our Winter Park SEO agency offers some tips for creating click-worthy headlines so that users will actually read that blog you’ve been working on all day.

The average blog takes a writer about 3.5 hours to write. When it’s complete, it can be tempting to slap a title on it and get it online. Not so fast. Carefully crafting your headline can make a huge difference in the number of people who read the valuable information in the blog you spent so much time writing (and proofreading). Use our experience as a Winter Park SEO agency and follow these tips for writing titles that will get your content noticed – and read.

David Ogilvy, commonly known as the “Father of Modern Advertising,” once said, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” In other words, don’t downplay the importance of your headline. Here are some stats that back up Mr. Ogilvy’s advice:

  • Blog titles of 14-17 words outperform shorter titles by 76.7% in terms of social sharing.
  • Blog post titles with a question mark get 23.3% more social shares than those without question marks.
  • 91% of blog writers write less than 10 drafts of their title before publishing the post.

Before we get to title ideas, let’s go through a few best practices when creating a top-notch blog post title. You want to give your reader a reason to click “read more” and scroll all the way to the bottom of your blog. Use these tips as inspiration:

Title Tips

Lists – Some readers want paragraphs but almost half admit to skimming through blog posts. Giving readers a list to skim through will convey your topic quickly.

How-To Posts – This type of title is the third most popular and the favorite of readers who need to know how to do something. Searching for “How do I fix a leaky faucet?” may return a blog titled “How to fix a leaky faucet.” Makes sense, right?

Pros And Cons – This method is two-fold: it naturally presents itself as a list and it gives readers an objective review of a product or service. Content that is (mostly) unbiased offers the reader more value and is therefore rewarded by Google in terms of rankings. 

Versus – Similar to pros and cons, this type of headline compares one thing to another. 

The Use Of Brackets – Using brackets (or parentheses) can help your SEO efforts because Google sees this as something new and unique.

Ultimate Guide – Let your reader know that they can stop their scroll because they have found the end-all and be-all of their search efforts in your blog post.

Catchy Blog Titles You Can Use Today

Take these examples from our Winter Park SEO agency website and plug in your own keywords to see for yourself how focusing more effort on your headlines can positively impact your SEO results. 

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Titles Are Just The Beginning

Not just the beginning of your blog post, but the beginning of a full SEO strategy. There is so much more that goes into giving your content value than the words you choose. And when you are ready to have the professionals step in to take your online presence to the next level, our team at South Street & Co. is here to help. 

Our Winter Park SEO agency has decades of combined marketing experience and we want to put our skills to work for you and your business. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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