Is SEO Worth It For My Business? Ask A Clermont Local SEO Company

Is SEO Worth It For My Business? Ask A Clermont Local SEO Company

Is SEO Worth It For My Business? Ask A Clermont Local SEO Company

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As a Clermont local SEO company, we’ve met with countless future clients who all have the same question: “Is SEO going to pay off for my small business?” The answer isn’t as straightforward as you may think. 

You probably think that, of course, an agency that provides SEO (search engine optimization) services will tell you SEO is a worthwhile investment, but there’s a bit more to it. 

Does Your Website Need SEO?

A simple way to determine if you should pursue an SEO strategy is to answer this question: Do you provide products or services that people are searching for online? If yes, SEO is worth it. 

I think it’s safe to say that 99.9% of businesses looking for a digital marketing presence are doing that because they know their customers are looking for them online. In fact, recent data shows that nearly half of product searches begin on Google, and approximately 23% of website visitors find websites through organic search

If your website isn’t optimized for search engines or ranking for the right keywords, you’re missing out. Now that we’ve answered the question of whether or not you should pursue an SEO strategy, let’s get into the details. 

You Want SEO, But Not All SEO is the Same

When you’re looking for a Clermont local SEO company, it’s important to make sure they’re focusing on what actually matters. For example, anyone who tells you they can hack Google’s algorithm isn’t being honest and is probably trying to sell you something that won’t benefit you much now or in the long run. Here’s what you need from your SEO services provider. 

High-quality content

When it comes to SEO, the content on your website is king. What is quality content? Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines can provide a good starting point:

  • Creative content should be original and unique.
  • News content should be accurate, in-depth, and include citations.
  • Informational content should be well-presented, original, and answer your audience’s inquiries.
  • Writing should be clear, easy to understand, and grammatically correct.

Content is not the place you want to cut corners in your SEO strategy. Poorly-written, inaccurate content on your website can mean you’re investing your time and money into something that’s going to be downgraded on the search engine results page, where high-quality, relevant content pays off. 

As a Clermont local SEO company, our team of talented writers gets to know and understand your business. We work closely with you to create content that shows off your skills and industry expertise.

Website performance

Our web development team works with us to ensure our clients’ websites are running at optimal speeds and performing how they should be. A slow website, pages that are down, and multiple broken links signal to search engines (and your website visitors) that this isn’t a website anyone wants to use. Your SEO partner should be offering you website performance monitoring and improvements as a part of your comprehensive strategy. 

Website optimization

When we start working with a new client, one of the first things we check is the overall optimization of their website. Do their service pages have the right high-volume keywords for their market? Are the titles and page descriptions accurate and unique to each page? Is the website secure and accessible? If we find any gaps that need to be fixed, we’ll work with you to take care of them. 

Monthly and quarterly updates 

If you’re going to invest in SEO, you want to get regular updates on how things are going. If you haven’t had a solid SEO strategy before, it takes a few months to start seeing results – but you want to know what the results are. We provide our clients with reports each month to show them how things are going. 

We celebrate every win, and if there’s a part of their strategy that could use some changes, we address that and make the changes. After all, we’re not here to go after something that won’t work for you. 

What Can A Clermont Local SEO Company Do For Your Business?

Ready to deep-dive into your website’s SEO strategy? Schedule a free 30-minute call with us today. We’ll discuss areas of opportunity and create a plan that will take you where you want to go.

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