What An Email Marketing Agency Can Bring To Your Small Business

What An Email Marketing Agency Can Bring To Your Small Business

email marketing agency

What An Email Marketing Agency Can Bring To Your Small Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What catches your eye when you open up your inbox? Is it personal or urgent emails? For everyone, it seems to be different, which is actually a good thing when it comes to email marketing for your small business! If you’re wondering what an email marketing agency can bring to your small business, this blog has got you covered. 

Everyone has different needs, expectations, and desires. The magic of marketing happens when we tap into the unique needs of your customers with tailored content sent straight to their inbox.

Nurture Your Leads 


When someone signs up for a newsletter or email promotions, they’re essentially raising their hand saying, “I’m interested in what your business has to offer, tell me more!” 

So, don’t you want to know those customers by name? That’s why building an email list and providing valuable and consistent content to that list is crucial to your small business’s sales process. And that’s where we come in as an email marketing agency to help.

Part of nurturing your leads is getting to know your customers. Who they are, what they like, what their problems are, and how your business can provide them with a specialized solution. The best way to start is by crafting a detailed target audience persona. If this is new to you, you’re in luck! We have a freebie to help you get started, download this Free Template: Target Audience Persona

Personalize & Customize Your Content 

Part of the power that email marketing holds in your customer relationship management is giving them exclusive content. Providing a behind-the-scenes story to your audience makes them feel valued as customers and emotionally connected to your small business. Creating special giveaways, downloadables, or even video content are great ways to directly show your email list how much you value them!

Another way to personalize your small business’s email marketing is by using their first name in the greeting and subject line. Emails with a name in the subject line are 26% more likely to be opened. Don’t you prefer answering emails that address YOU, and not a whole list of people? I sure do. We use the ConvertKit email marketing platform which enables this to be a part of any email marketing campaign we create for you. Another perk of working with us as your email marketing agency! 



Get Your Checklists!


Drive Traffic To Your Website 

Email-Marketing-Agency-2It’s no secret that email marketing continues to deliver the highest ROI (Return On Investment) compared to all other marketing initiatives. Did you know that you’re 6x more likely to get traffic from emails than from tweets? And that 99% of consumers still check their email every day (with over half of them checking at least ten times a day).

Bottom line – it’s important for you to link back to your website in your email campaigns, and that your site is optimized to provide a consistent user experience at all customer touchpoints. That’s something we can help you with as your email marketing agency. If you’re looking to streamline your marketing efforts, schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can help.

Build Your Brand Advocates 

Sometimes they are called your “brand cheerleaders,” but essentially a brand advocate is someone who believes in your business and will gladly recommend it to people in their realm of influence. Adding additional CTAs in your email content is a great way to remind your email list of how they can serve as brand advocates for your business. These customers are your ride-or-dies, so it’s important to prioritize them when crafting email content. 

Incentivizing your email list to “Forward to a friend” and share the content they found valuable is a great way to build your list from the inside out. We have lots of ideas about this, check them out on our blog! But if you want a unique strategy or fresh set of ideas that are specific to your small business, let’s chat about it here

If you are ready to build your email list with enticing and consistent content, as your chosen email marketing agency we’d love to help your small business foster leads online!

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