Email Marketing Ideas: How To Entice People To Join Your Email List

Email Marketing Ideas: How To Entice People To Join Your Email List

Email Marketing Ideas: How To Entice People To Join Your Email List

This freebie is full of email marketing ideas to grow your customer list. Regardless of your industry or the products/services you offer, there will always be CTAs that entice customers to want more out of your brand. Whether that’s because of a discount or a community you’ve created, it’s important to give these a try to see what your audience will engage with.

Email marketing is far from extinction. Some people assume it’s dead because there are more advanced methods of marketing these days, but that doesn’t take away from the impact email marketing can have. Think about how often you check your email. If your answer is every day, then you’re in the club with the majority of cell-phone users. With subject lines that read, “40% Off All Items” or “Free Guide!” how can you not click and see if there’s something you can benefit from? There are so many different ways you can utilize email marketing to best suit your business and audience. Click here to join our email list and see how we layout our bi-weekly newsletters.

This freebie was designed to help give you email marketing ideas to utilize for your business. If you’re looking for other ways to grow your business, we can help! At South Street & Co., we specialize in SEO, social media, blogging, email marketing, product photography, design, coaching, and more. Schedule a free, 30-minute consultation to go over your marketing goals and let us know what you’re looking for out of an agency. With over five years of experience helping our clients grow their online reach, we’re confident we can help your business meet its fullest potential. Let’s get started!

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