If you’re like us, you have a dozen different passwords for different websites. This is great for security purposes, but not so great for your memory bank. That’s why we’ve created this freebie for you to store in a safe place to keep all your passwords top-of-mind! You may have never known you needed this until now. Use it and send it to a friend for them to use!
It’s not uncommon for businesses to have several different passwords for security reasons. It’s actually so common that there are websites, like LastPass, to help you populate each password automatically so that you don’t have to keep track of them all the time. We read somewhere that your passwords should be at least 13 characters with symbols and numbers included. We LastPass for ourselves and our clients to ensure we’re always able to get into our resources. Click here to try LastPass for yourself! We rely on it heavily to stay on top of our tasks.
This freebie was designed to help you keep track of your passwords. If you’re looking for other ways to grow your business, we can help! At South Street & Co., we specialize in SEO, social media, blogging, email marketing, product photography, design, coaching, and more. Schedule a free, 30-minute consultation to go over your marketing goals and let us know what you’re looking for out of an agency. With over five years of experience helping our clients grow their online reach, we’re confident we can help your business meet its fullest potential. Let’s get started!