A Guide To Instagram Stories

A Guide To Instagram Stories

A Guide To Instagram Stories

Our team of content creatives and graphic designers have combined their expertise to create the ultimate guide to Instagram Stories. This resource can help your brand take its social media marketing game to the next level!  


We break down step-by-step, icon-by-icon, and even screen-by-screen, how to tackle the Instagram Story game like a pro! The fun part about Story content for your brand is using it to build a relationship with your followers. Which is the whole point of having a social media marketing strategy for your small business, right? 


Stories are a great way to showcase the face behind your brand! Aka, what makes the solutions you provide so unique and the personality you add to the equation. We recommend that you post following our guide to Instagram Stories around 1-7 times a day for optimal growth


The difference between Instagram Story content and grid posts is that Stories can be a fun way of building brand awareness while encouraging your followers to engage with your content. Instagram has prioritized adding new features to their Story format, so it’s worth staying current on any updates. Oh, and don’t worry! We share how to add these dynamic elements into your Story content in this guide as well. 


When it comes to social media marketing, you can always leave it to our team’s experts to lead the way. If you’re interested in learning more about the social media marketing strategy we can bring to your brand, schedule a FREE 30-minute call. But, if you’re ready to start posting now, download the guide to Instagram Stories and create away! 

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