Tips From A Sarasota Small Business Marketing Company: How To Work Smarter Not Harder

Tips From A Sarasota Small Business Marketing Company: How To Work Smarter Not Harder

Tips From A Sarasota Small Business Marketing Company: How To Work Smarter Not Harder

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you overwhelmed with your marketing strategy or just want another way to get more done? Implement these tips from our Sarasota small business marketing company to start your journey towards less work and more content!

What are the benefits of repurposing content? Repurposing content is the practice of reusing elements of existing content in order to expand that content’s reach. Repurposed content is typically transformed into a new format. For example, turning a blog post into a newsletter. If you’re overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, or would like to reach more consumers, we have the answers for you in four easy steps!  Oh, and remember, you don’t have to do it all on your own. Contact a Sarasota small business marketing company, like us, who are experts in the field.

Step 1: Create a blog

Blogging is an effective long-term solution to increasing SEO. In addition to sharing your story, blogs can improve the search engine ranking of your company’s website. It also works as a great base to your content workflow structure.

Step 2: Turn it into a newsletter

Turn your blog into a newsletter. Your blog is the perfect outline for a newsletter, consider it the foundation. Use each point in your newsletter and expand on important key factors. Include all of your personal branding elements, and you’re done! This is a simple and quick way to convert your blog to a newsletter; increasing your visibility and repurposing your hard work.

Step 3: Make some Instagram or Facebook posts

Now, select one to three key points you emphasized in your newsletter. It’s time to brainstorm! Find visual elements that communicate your message effectively and make one to three graphics. The graphics can be simple or complex, but the key is to convey the message. Utilize the key factors in your newsletter to create captions or images. You now have one to three Instagram or Facebook posts for your feed.

P.S. Increase visibility by adding this content to your Instagram/Facebook stories.

Step 4: Share posts to LinkedIn

Congratulations, you are at the finish line! The last step is to repurpose the Instagram or Facebook posts on LinkedIn. Adjust the captions or visuals if needed to better relate to your audience. This piece of content helps you build credibility, gain network and knowledge, and establishes you as a pro!

These four easy steps from our Sarasota small business marketing company will help you create on-topic content, be time effective, and provide your consumers with a digital marketing experience. Create that digital experience with less work and more content! 

At South Street and Co., we are your go-to Sarasota small business marketing company. We specialize in creating lasting impressions for our clients and results to get people in the door and their phone ringing. Contact us today to learn more about the amazing content we can create for you!

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