How To Get More Customers Online

How To Get More Customers Online

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How To Get More Customers Online

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to growing your reach online through digital marketing, you’re in the right place. Because it all comes down to how to get more customers online, right?

Simply put, we aren’t in business without our customers and clients. You craft the strategy for how to delight them, and we’ll make the moves to find and keep them interested in it. If that sounds like a winning combination, let’s chat. But, to get us started, here are the steps we take when helping you get more customers online. 

Step #1: Build Your Brand

The cornerstone for any business is its brand. And PSA, it’s way more than your logo… it’s your voice, message, values, and honestly, it’s what sets you apart from the competitors in your industry. So when you’re wondering how to get more customers online, start by investing in a knockout brand that speaks directly to your audience. If you’re looking for some guidance on how to solidify your brand, we have the services and the tools to get you there!

Step #2: Target Your Reach

Once you know who your brand is, it’s time to target that audience you were designed to reach! This just so happens to be my favorite part of the process because it’s where our creative genius shines. Using the new logo and brand guidelines, we will create content for your website, social media, email campaigns, and more – all speaking to who you are and how you serve your customers. This tailored approach will reach your audience with valuable content that they can relate to. Whether you’re looking to recruit new prospects or re-engage old leads, we will craft a strategy with the knowledge of how to get more customers online as the driving factor.

Step #3: Keep Sending

Now, this is where the extra cup of motivation comes in handy… for me, that’s a cortado. For you, it could be a creative coach. But whatever it is, you’ll need some accountability for this step. This is the part that prevents other businesses from creating a winning strategy as they aren’t consistently creating and sending out content to their audience. Out of sight, out of mind is too real in the small business world, so it’s essential to have a strategy that works to keep your brand top of the list. If you’re ready to off-load it to the experts, we’re here to help keep you consistent.

Step #4: Analyze To Strategize

Ok, time to be honest. When’s the last time you looked into your data analytics to track your digital marketing efforts? If the answer is “not sure,” 

Close up of office manager in blue jacket, sitting at cafe table with laptop, typing and drinking coffee. Side view

the time to change that is now. When choosing us to help you get more customers online, part of your plan is a monthly report and meeting to walk through the results of your campaigns together. This is where we break down what’s working, what isn’t, where your focus is, and consult you on the strategies we’ve been working on to help you get there. It’s part of what sets our agency apart from others in this industry and how we delight our clients with targeted results

Step #5: Keep It Fresh

What worked for you in 2011 isn’t going to work for you in 2021, *insert mic drop*. But really! That’s why you’re looking for new ideas on how to get more customers online, isn’t it? With consulting as at the core of any strategy we craft, get ready to re-envision your marketing in a way that’s true to you but takes it to the next level. 

Ready to put these practices into action for your small business? Because we sure are! Schedule a free 30-minute call with me today to learn more.

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