Use This Tip To Make Sure You Have A Successful Marketing Campaign

Use This Tip To Make Sure You Have A Successful Marketing Campaign

Successful Marketing Campaign

Use This Tip To Make Sure You Have A Successful Marketing Campaign

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Setting goals are, in our opinion, the best way to measure how effective your social media marketing campaign is. We can’t stress enough how important goals are when it comes to a marketing campaign that is successful.


Without goals, it’s hard to measure your success. Simply saying “I want to grow my Twitter following” is too broad. In order to be effective, you need to have more tangible goals. Such as “I want to grow my Twitter followers from X amount to X amount by the end of the month/year.”



This helps track how far you’ve come as well as how far you plan on going. We also think it provides a better sense of satisfaction and accomplishment once you’ve reached that targeted goal. Instead of measuring your success by saying “we grew our Twitter following this year” you will be able to measure how much it grew and how quickly.

Keeping track of the growth is important because you’ll be able to determine if the goals you set are attainable and if you have a successful marketing campaign. If your goal was to increase by 100 followers per month, but halfway through you’ve only increased by 20 followers, you will need to reevaluate if that is an attainable goal. You can also decide whether it is worth putting in more effort to see that success achieved.

Monthly goals are our favorite way to keep track of the growth of our social media accounts. If you set a goal of increasing by 100 per month and you are surpassing that goal, you can pick a new goal to reach for. Constantly monitoring how all your accounts are growing is the best way to determine whether these goals are working for your company or not. If you’re achieving your goals- celebrate that! When you’re constantly reaching them, try for a bigger goal.

If you’re not seeing the results on a monthly basis that you’re happy with, decide what isn’t working and change it. The best part of setting goals is deciding when they aren’t working that you need to try something new! Read our blog on The Power Of Social Media Marketing for tips on creating a marketing plan that works for you.


Goals shouldn’t be scary. I set goals for so many different aspects of my life! Social media is just one part of that. If you want to grow your company and don’t know where to start, contact us for a free 30 minute consultation on business consulting. We can help you set and reach your company’s goals with a successful marketing campaign.

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