7 Secrets To Getting Great Results From A Small Business Marketing Agency

7 Secrets To Getting Great Results From A Small Business Marketing Agency

Small business marketing agency

7 Secrets To Getting Great Results From A Small Business Marketing Agency

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Everyone wants more customers, more business and a bigger bottom line. Here are our 7 secrets to getting great results from a small business marketing agency.

Each small business marketing agency is different; some specialize in guerilla marketing, others (like us) specialize in digital marketing. Digital marketing is always changing and there are a couple of things a successful campaign always needs. Most of these things we’ve learned over the years of being in business to ensure our clients are succeeding.


When it comes to anything–life, marriage, friends, business partners–communication is key. Most times if a client is upset or doesn’t understand, it’s due to a miscommunication on our end. We either didn’t explain it well or didn’t explain it at all.

We now make a monthly (sometimes weekly) effort to speak with clients, especially on projects. By doing this, they’re updated on everything we need and they should have a better grasp on what we’re doing and achieving for them.


Posting on social media is great, but what about the interaction? That’s where personal photos come in. There’s only so many stock photos you can use!

We’ve seen that when clients send us personal photos of themselves out doing things related to the business, photos of their family, photos on the job or anything else personal (even if it isn’t the highest quality), they do great.

Asking Questions

As a small business marketing agency, we have a monthly touch-base meeting or phone call with clients at least each month. One thing we love is when they ask questions. We want to make sure they understand what’s going on and what we’re doing for them.

We had a call with a client the other day, who’s mostly a texter. We got the chance to speak with him about his needs and how he thought his results were. He was thrilled and then asked us about a new website too! We were thrilled because his current one needs a little bit of TLC and with this new website, it’s going to help him in the long-run with SEO!


If there’s one thing we like, it’s feedback. Truthfully, it’s always easier to hear the positive over the negative, however, both are truly welcome. We’ve gotten negative feedback in the past (who hasn’t?) and we were able to reevaluate, come back to the table and the client was impressed. #Winning!


Small business marketing agencyIf there’s one thing I know, it’s organization. Andy, my husband, likes cleaning (me, not so much) and I like organizing things. He’ll mention I forgot to clean a dish and I’ll mention his belt is sitting in the middle of the couch. Both of us notice things but on a different level.

I bring the same organization to our small business marketing agency. We put specific processes in place to ensure that the client and the company are on the same page. As an example, we have a kick-off meeting and we’ve created an agenda for that meeting specifically.

Each month we have a monthly meeting or call to go over expectations and to review results. Each of these items is created to ensure that both of us are on the same page and that nothing goes unnoticed or unasked.


When a project first begins, we like talking about what the client likes, what they don’t like and about their competitors. We then analyze what they’re doing to see if we can take any bits and pieces or any ideas to inspire their campaign.

While we never copy, it’s always great to see what the competition is doing so we can ensure it’s different.

Phone Calls

Phone calls outside of the monthly meetings are 100% allowed, and frankly, running a small business marketing agency, we encourage them. We’ve had clients who have called us and asked us spur of the moment questions because they saw a truck driving down the road, and we’ve also had people forward us emails that they’ve received from competitors to check up on it.

Think of us as your go-to marketing source. These are perfect examples of how we can explain what we’re doing for you in comparison to what others are doing for their business.

Reviewing Reports

The final successful item you can add to working with a small business marketing agency is reviewing your reports. And, don’t just review them, ask questions about them.

The first point of this article was communication and for good reason. We want to make sure you’re seeing the outcome and the results that we’re getting for you. The reports show that in detail.

For any small business marketing agency that you hire, these are the keys to a successful campaign. With anyone you hire, make sure you ask a lot of questions, review the results and understand what you’re getting. You’ll probably also see it on your end though with increased phone calls and form fills on your website!

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