You’re a rockstar in your field– now you need your SEO results to prove it. Understanding how Orlando SEO works is the first step to owning your industry and growing your business!
What exactly is Orlando SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which also means it’s the level of importance Google ranks you for specific phrases or terms called keywords.
Why do you care about this? Because everyone uses Google to find what they’re looking for. You want Google to see you as an expert in your field, doesn’t everyone? The idea is that when someone searches for something related to your company, you stand out like a shining star at the top of Google’s list.
How do you make an Orlando-SEO-Google-magic happen? You need these four aspects:
High-quality, shareable content is KEY. This adds a lot to your overall competitiveness and ranking. High-quality content that answers the user’s query is first and foremost. Have an answer to what they’re looking for before they even know they need to look for it.
Use your title, URL, and meta-description to highlight that you’re a credible source for information. Once you’ve drawn them into your page, make sure the content you’re producing is shareable. If they feel it’s useful, they will link back to it on their social platforms or in their blog, further heightening your ranking of importance.
User Experience
Your SEO takes a big hit if your website is not user-friendly. Are you wondering what “user-friendly” actually means?
In this case, it’s how effective your site’s speed is if your website is optimized for mobile and how easy is it to navigate throughout. If it takes too long for a page to download, the consumer won’t wait– they’ll quickly find the answers elsewhere.
When Google sees this, they think your content isn’t worthy of a top-ranking position. Another thing that makes people exit immediately are images that don’t fit properly on a smartphone or a website layout that is un-cohesive and hard to navigate. You’ll want to avoid these at all costs.
Keyword Optimized
If you’re a bakery and you want people to know that you have the best croissant in Orlando, then you need to focus on highlighting those exact words. Croissant and Orlando, as well as Croissant in Orlando. This is what a keyword is. What it means to optimize those keywords is to make them very pronounced throughout your content.
If you’re writing a blog about why the croissant is so vital to your company, then make it easy for Google to see the word croissant. Put it in your title, the description of your blog, and use it throughout the blog (not too much though, be cool about it). The idea is to make sure you’re implementing keywords throughout your website that you want to rank for.
Crawl Accessibility
This is a more technical aspect to your Orlando SEO strategy, so I’m going to break it down to you as simply as possible. Crawling is when all the search engine “spider” bots scan your website and collect all the data. The data they collect are things like page titles, images with their alt. text, keywords, and other linked pages. If your site is “crawlable” then that means Google can easily see all of your page’s information. If Google can see you, then it will show you off to others. Simple.
Do you still feel like you need help? We’ve got you covered! SEO is our thing; let’s chat and make some Google magic for you!
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