Organize Your Content Calendar Weekly With Three Easy Steps

Organize Your Content Calendar Weekly With Three Easy Steps

Organize Your Content Calendar Weekly With Three Easy Steps

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Scheduling your life is important, especially when it comes to content on social media. I’m all about scheduling because if I don’t write something down I tend to forget about it. Which is why I’m sharing my how-to on organizing your content calendar weekly with three easy steps. 

I constantly make to-do lists to help keep me on track (and because it makes me feel a little better about my life every time I can check something off).

It helps you stay on track during the work day and you can create mini-deadlines for when you need to finish certain tasks. When it comes to our content calendar for South Street and all our clients I block out a few hours every Tuesday to sit down and focus solely on that. Here are some easy tips to get yourself into a routine weekly schedule.

Set aside time

It should be a realistic amount of time where you’ll be able to accomplish what you need to without getting too stressed about whether or not you will be able to finish. The more you do this, the easier it will be to determine how much time you think you’ll need. It should take about the same amount of time every week to finish because once you get into the routine, you’ll usually be scheduling for the same amount of days every single time. The biggest benefit in my opinion of doing it all in one day is the peace of mind knowing all your content is set for the week. You don’t have to constantly be adding in content during the week & checking to see if your queue is full.

Organize Your Content Calendar Weekly With Three Easy Steps

Get inspired

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut in the middle of scheduling when you begin to feel uninspired and uncreative, and it’s easy to use any excuse to re-direct your mind from the task. Get rid of any distractions that might keep you from getting “in the zone” during your designated scheduling time. Put your phone on silent and keep it away from your computer, make sure you have enough coffee (lol) and try to focus solely on finding great content. (If you aren’t sure where to find great content every week during your scheduling meetings, check out our blog for 3 places to get killer content for social media). When you know what kind of content works well for you when you share it, and where to look for that content, posting becomes a breeze.

Organize Your Content Calendar Weekly With Three Easy Steps

Find an easy scheduler

Buffer is our favorite because it’s super easy to schedule posts, to use and always reliable. You can create content and post to multiple accounts at once (we can post to our Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ profiles all at the same time with one click) which helps save us tons of time. If you’re only focusing on Facebook, you can schedule posts on there using your account, in a similar way to scheduling them through a third party website. The benefit of scheduling posts on Facebook is the ability to tag others in the post before you schedule it. This is available for Twitter on Buffer, but not Facebook. Here’s a screenshot of our Buffer calendar for our Facebook page.

Organize Your Content Calendar Weekly With Three Easy Steps

As intimidating as the task of filling your content calendar might seem, if you can schedule time to organize it on a weekly basis it’ll no longer be so daunting. Happy posting!

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