- 1 With businesses opening up left and right, trying to figure out how to market your small business can be tricky. It’s important to get out in the community, make Lake Nona small business marketing your BFF, and create content like there’s no tomorrow.
- 2 Get Out in the Community
- 3 Make Your Social Media Your BFF
- 4 Create Content Like There’s No Tomorrow
With businesses opening up left and right, trying to figure out how to market your small business can be tricky. It’s important to get out in the community, make Lake Nona small business marketing your BFF, and create content like there’s no tomorrow.
Get Out in the Community
Having a small business means you are probably able to connect with the community pretty well. Connecting with the community does take effort and time, but it is totally worth it.
Some ways to be community driven is by joining the chamber of commerce, attending city events, and giving back to the community.
Joining the chamber of commerce will keep you in the loop with any changes happening in your community. It will also bring awareness to your brand. Remember, the more people that know about your brand, the better. Chambers are very supportive of local businesses in the community.
Attending city events is key, whether it’s setting up a booth at the local music event or just being at an event handing out pens, these are all great ways to get your brand out there.
Giving back to the community, even if it’s not a lot is always helpful. Gather your team and go help at the local food drive for the morning, I can promise you someone will remember that you helped and that makes all the difference.
Make Your Social Media Your BFF
Another way to enhance your Lake Nona small business marketing is by using social media.
Social media… oh the horror of finding enough time in your day to not only post on social media but also interact. Even though it is tough to find the time, it is necessary. Try blocking out 30 minutes of your day to post and interact.
Interacting on social media is almost as important as posting on social media. Interacting with the right people is key. Find local businesses like yourself to connect with; connecting with any local bloggers or influencers could be a crucial part in growing your Lake Nona small business.
Create Content Like There’s No Tomorrow
Creating the right content for your Lake Nona small business marketing should be done methodically. Figuring out the right keywords to input into your website is important. Google combs through your site for good keywords. If you have enough good keywords, then you will crawl up the Google rankings hopefully landing you on the first page of Google search.
Creating content not only is important for SEO but it is important to create a following that trusts your word and trusts your brand. Writing content about the great restaurant you visited the previous weekend will help your following know you are committed to community excellence which will grow your following.
Lake Nona small business marketing doesn’t have to be hard. Follow these three tips for small business marketing, and you will be making headway in no time at all. If you need help with your small business marketing, then contact us for a free 30-minute consultation today.
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