How To Get Personal With Your Altamonte Springs Marketing

How To Get Personal With Your Altamonte Springs Marketing

How To Get Personal With Your Altamonte Springs Marketing

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Most people don’t want to think about a company having a separate team to market their products or services. When a customer contacts your Altamonte Springs business, they want to feel cared about by the company. They don’t want to be sent an auto-reply email back that doesn’t answer their specific question or comment.

A great way to ensure your customers are getting a positive brand experience is to get personal with your customers with an Altamonte Springs marketing plan. This is especially important when they are reaching out to your company.

That being said, there’s nothing wrong with outsourcing your marketing! In fact, we encourage it (though we might be a bit biased) because we know it’s hard to make time for absolutely everything.

It can be exhausting trying to keep up with comments on everything, especially depending on how often you’re posting. (Sometimes up to 2 or 3 times a day on certain platforms!)

To be successful, sometimes you have to take things off your plate to focus on other things. There are, however, two important things to remember when coming up with your Altamonte Springs marketing plan.

  1. A good plan is to make sure all social media sites are being constantly monitored (and by constantly we mean every day- ideally). This helps make sure nothing falls through the cracks and that your customers don’t have to wait forever to hear a reply. Being timely with your responses makes customers feel important and that you value their input or questions regarding your business.
  2. Have a plan for when customers reach out to your business through social media sites or any site that is monitored by your social media team. If your sites are being monitored consistently, your marketing team should be able to forward you any information regarding a comment, request, etc. This should be done within 24 hours of a customer or client reaching out. This makes it easy for you because you don’t have to monitor them daily and you’re always going to be notified of anything that needs your attention.

We always try our best to respond to comments within 24 hours of receiving them! So our followers know we care about what they have to say.

Being successful doesn’t mean doing it all. You can assign responsibilities to others and still run a successful business. For help organizing your business, read our blog with 5 apps that can help with ideal organization. For help with an Altamonte Springs marketing plan that still makes your customers feel valued, contact us for a free 30 minute consultation.

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