6 DIY Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

6 DIY Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

6 DIY Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

6 DIY Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We have clients ask us all the time, “What can I do internally that will help my business?” There are a lot of answers but here are our top tips for DIY marketing.

People do DIY marketing all the time. They figure it out on their own, they make up their own strategies and some are killing it! However, if you’ve taken a dive into the marketing realm, you know that marketing takes a lot of time. People also ask us, “Well, what can you do to help our company?” The answer, simply put, we save you time. But, let’s get back to the question at hand, what types of DIY marketing can you utilize for your small business? Here are some tips and tricks we use and HIGHLY recommend.

But, let’s get back to the question at hand, what types of DIY marketing can you utilize for your small business? Here are some tips and tricks we use and HIGHLY recommend.


This website is nothing short of amazing. I just used it today (true story) for the first time and I was shocked. Added bonus: It’s FREE!! This enables you to unsubscribe from email lists that either people have added you to or to add them to a list to continue receiving them. When I approved it to scan my email, it came up with 112 lists I was subscribed to. ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE!!! Whaaatttt. Yea, so that’s why I can never manage to get to the coveted Inbox Zero. Here’s a brief overview and what to expect when you get to their page.

DIY Marketing for Your Small Business


This app is great to see a more in-depth view into your Instagram analytics. The added bonus here? It’s FREE too! They do have an upgrade option on the app to see more stats, but I personally don’t use it. It also lets you lay out your IG grid so you can see if a photo fits or if you should use another option. This is essential to planning and posting a great feed on Instagram while still keeping your followers engaged. Here’s an example of a grid allowing you to layout photos and to see how they look before going live.

DIY Marketing for Your Small Business


This software is user-friendly, modern and is malleable to create campaigns for your loyal followers. We use this each week when we send out our Thrive Newsletter each Wednesday. You can create templates within it and you can duplicate campaigns easily enabling fast and efficient campaign emails.

Sumo Me

This is an essential app that we’ve used since the very beginning. It enables pop-ups, top bars, and scrollbars on your website. This is a GREAT lead capture tool to organically increase your email list. We’ve used this for over 2 years and each week we get around 5 signups through organic traffic. Here’s an example of just one of our pop-up boxes below.

DIY Marketing for Your Small Business


Facebook Scheduler

This is one tool that not a lot of DIY marketing people know about or take advantage of. You can schedule all of your posts on Facebook directly on the Facebook page. Facebook likes keeping everything on its platform so this will help because you can tag people directly on here (some scheduling apps don’t let you tag people/ businesses within their platform). Here’s what it’ll look like when you schedule a post below.

DIY Marketing for Your Small Business


Collabs are something that’s becoming more and more prevalent on social media. You can use your audience to help someone else’s audience and vice versa. We recently did a collab with Around Winter Park on Instagram for a gift card and candle to Foxtail Coffee (a great and local coffee spot). Most of the time, if you reach out to people, they’re willing to do a collaboration. When you do reach out though, make sure you have an offer and an ask for them. Don’t come undecided or with a plan. Here’s how we structured our recent one below and how we sponsored it.

DIY Marketing for Your Small Business

There are SO many ways and “outside of the box” ideas that you can come up with to increase your exposure and to ensure that your time is spent wisely. I’m all about time management and all of the above are items, apps and programs we actively use- because they work!! If you’re someone who’s doing DIY marketing give yourself props!

I hope these tips will help you as they’re doing us. If you need any help or have questions, feel free to reach out, we love hearing from you!!

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