3 Easy Digital Marketing Initiatives You Could be Doing at Home

3 Easy Digital Marketing Initiatives You Could be Doing at Home

Digital Marketing

3 Easy Digital Marketing Initiatives You Could be Doing at Home

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As if transitioning to working remotely wasn’t enough of an adjustment, navigating your business during this time can feel like climbing Mount Everest. Here are three easy digital marketing initiatives that you could be doing at home!

The climate and terrain are everchanging, but just like the climb, there is an end in sight. You just have to learn how to pivot when the avalanches start coming–starting with easy digital marketing initiatives you could be doing at home. 

As a remote digital marketer, I’ve put together a few simple ways you can increase your page authority and engage with your audience all while adding some personality and zest to your brand too.

Create and Curate Content

Just because it feels like you’re in a pickle and don’t want to distastefully push your products or services, doesn’t mean you have to let your page authority fall short. It just means you have to pivot what you’re talking about to be relatable. 

Content has always been two-fold of providing educational information to your audience and boosting your page authority and SEO value if you do it right. 

If you’re struggling to find a connection between what’s happening now and your business or industry, there are a few tips you can try. Such as:

– Adding a few sentences at the end, or throughout, your content building rapport with your readers letting them know what you’re doing to help during this time

– Including links to a few credible, helpful resources to help them find accurate information to stay safe and healthy during this time

– Thinking outside the box by asking yourself what are some other ramifications that people could relate to. For example, loneliness, boredom, anxiety. Then ask yourself what can you do to help alleviate some of the COVID aftermaths and share it.

If you’re new to the content arena, below are a few things that can help, including:

– Create an editorial calendar to help you plan and keep track of content to draft

– Research keywords you can rank for and draft content around that keyword and optimize its on-page SEO

– Squeeze your content for all it’s worth by repurposing it 

FREE Download – Social Media & Blogging Worksheets

We created these worksheets to help you utilize your blog and social media better. Download our FREE printable Social Media & Blogging Worksheets below: 

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    Posting and Going Live on Social Media

    I’ve worked in the digital marketing industry for about five years now, and live video still makes me shake in my boots, but then when it’s all said and done I realize, it’s really not that bad. And, it can even be exciting when you see the interactions, which is something I know we could all appreciate more these days. 

    The reality is that generating live feed, videos or stories I feel is the best way to connect with your audience right now.

    Plus, it also enhances your brand’s personality and makes you way more relatable. Just remember to be tactful about the content you’re sharing.

    Perhaps you’d like to share your personal COVID-19 experiences with them–the point is to try to connect and empathize; however, that doesn’t mean be a Debbie-downer. 

    I feel it’s best to encourage your viewers and leave them with a positive note or something good that you or other people and companies are doing. Here’s an example of how Kaitlyn went live to share about our COVID-19 template for posting on social media

    Digital Marketing

    When you publish a post, video or go live, engage with your viewers by asking them questions, such as: what games they are playing, what shows they are streaming, or how they are keeping occupied at home? It’s also a good idea to include relevant hashtags when you post to social media–especially Instagram, so make sure you spend some time doing some research to make sure you use hashtags that will help you grow your audience

    Revamp Your Website 

    If you’re like me and love changing things up and trying new things with your website especially, but aren’t sure when the right time is to get the ball rolling, there’s no better time than the present. 

    This doesn’t have to be a major overhaul. There are simple things that you can add to your website to get more traction and conversions, such as adding a short contact us form or making sure it’s mobile responsive– or even just responsive. 

    Now is definitely the perfect time to work out some of those website kinks and updates that have been on your to-do list for a while now.

    If you have a little extra time or feel like going the extra mile, I totally recommend creating automated, follow-up email sequences for people who fill out a form.

    Update or Add An Email Sequence 

    I like keeping them short and sweet, always providing additional resources they may be interested in and something that gives them the next step.

    For example, if someone subscribes to your blog, then you can create and automate two to three follow-up emails with a few of the latest blogs and a relevant content offer or contact us link. Emails are all-in-all a great way to keep in touch with your audience.

    Digital Marketing Only Gets Better with Age and Help

    If you think back to when marketing started, digital initiatives and platforms, such as websites and social media weren’t even a thing. I like to think that we’re still in the infancy of digital marketing. There is always an innovation right around the corner to help you market your brand digitally, and we can help. 

    You’ve heard the saying two heads are better than one, and I’m not entirely sure that will ever get stale. 

    Marketing is creative, which is why you should join Facebook or LinkedIn Groups to help your creativity flourish. Or, if you like having an expert partner by your side, contact us. Fill out the form here to set up a 30-minute consultation! We can’t wait to see which digital marketing initiatives you’ll try from home. 

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