Winter Garden Marketing: How To Master Networking On The Go

Winter Garden Marketing: How To Master Networking On The Go

Winter Garden Marketing

Winter Garden Marketing: How To Master Networking On The Go

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Networking does not only happen as an organized event, you can network at any time and place. Learn how you can take your Winter Garden Marketing to the next level with these on the go networking strategies.

When you think of networking do you think of awkward small rooms filled with people trying to make small talk? Or do you think of that room full of business owners as your Winter Garden marketing and the only way you are able to grow your business? As both of those ideas may be true, one false misconception most professionals believe is that networking is confined to a “networking event.”

Don’t get me wrong, we should all take advantage of those opportunities because other businesses can refer your business to their colleagues and that is one of the major ways we all grow. However, today, I’m sharing several ways you can take your Winter Garden marketing to new heights by finding new ways to network.  

Essentially networking is just a conversation and it is no different in an organized event than it is when you are in line at the supermarket. Here are four networking opportunities you may not have used to your fullest potential.

Social Media

Winter Garden Marketing

Here are at South Street & Co. we are big advocates of using social media, and we also believe once you have learned the basics you can grow your Winter Garden marketing significantly. Linkedin is seen as the only “professional” social media outlet and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can also be used as a networking platform. I mean the word “social” is the first word in the phrase so how could you not think that can help your business!

Start a conversation with someone by writing on their wall on Facebook, comment on their photo on Instagram or tag someone on Twitter,  this will make your company visible to them. It’s all about positioning yourself in a way other professionals can find you. Many business owners may post or share articles and that is the perfect opportunity for you to comment and engage in their post and share your thoughts, ideas, and possibly how you can help them. The great advantage about networking on social media as part of your Winter Garden strategy is that you get to do it from home, goals!

(NOTE: Do not spam others with comments just to get your name out there. People will find this annoying and might unfollow. Make sure to stay organic with the conversation.)

Circle Of Friends

Winter Garden Marketing

Many times we know where our friends work but we don’t actually know their day to day responsibilities. It’s okay to ask them questions about what they do to get to know their professional abilities. You never know, they could need you or you can need them in the future. Create a small business group within your friends where you can lead other businesses to their profession and you can all grow together. Your friends can be exposed to people that can potentially be your clients.

Social Events

Winter Garden Marketing

Organized networking events are not the only way your Winter Garden marketing can grow. If you volunteer in an organization, go to a church, attend conferences, and even attend community events on the weekends these can all be ways you can network. There are so many people you have yet to meet and so many opportunities you have yet to discover and attending social events and using it to your advantage can really be the way you make important connections.

Waiting In Line


With our phones advancing what seems to be every second, it’s hard to socialize when we are waiting in any type of line. Whether that be the doctor’s office, at the grocery store, or even at the hair or nail salon we mindlessly scroll through news apps, social media, or emails. Why not strike up a conversation with the person who is waiting with you instead? It’s an opportunity to meet someone new and discover new connections.

Your Winter Garden marketing and business can grow to new levels if you take hold of the fact that networking is just a conversation and that can happen just about anywhere. You never know who you will meet and where those people can join you in your business endeavors.

Here are two tips for you to successfully network on the go:

Tip #1: Carry your business cards in your wallet and take them anywhere you go. Make sure that it is trendy and memorable.  If you have no idea where to get started, no problem, we can help with that! Here are our print services!

Tip #2: Remember your social media handle. This way when you are creating awesome conversations you can say “Follow us on social media you can find us at  ___.” Always know how they can find you on social media!

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