What the Locals Can Teach You: Social Media Marketing II

What the Locals Can Teach You: Social Media Marketing II

Locals Doing It Right

What the Locals Can Teach You: Social Media Marketing II

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sharing the #LocalLove one social media account at a time

The New Year has begun and we’re so excited to kick it off with a BANG. We have scoured the internet for our second edition of Locals Doing It Right. This blog is where we as a marketing agency share who we think is doing social media right online. We choose five social media accounts and share why they’re rocking it like it’s their job! So let’s jump right into our first account:

Butter Milk Bakery on Instagram. Butter Milk Baker is killing it. The one thing I like (how can I just choose one…) is their amazing photography skills. Or, maybe it should go to their amazing desserts that are just super camera friendly. Either way, they use amazing photos (like this one) to showcase what they’re cooking and where they’ll be. Another thing Butter Milk does well is they’re consistent. Consistency is KEY when posting on social media. You don’t want people to forget about you and with these photos, how could you!?
Butter Milk Bakery
Our next local doing it right is Downtown Credo. This place is on my hit-list and must-do list and for whatever reason, I just haven’t made it over there. But, based on their Facebook page, they’re killing it with interactions and with their photos. Their cover photo is inviting and tells the story of what they are just by looking at it- a hip and trendy coffee spot. Not only do they broadcast about their coffee but they also host events, like this one that was just posted yesterday. They also share their story and do things to benefit the community. I had the chance to listen to the owner’s speech at the local PechaKucha night at the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center, and his values tied in well with his speech. Just another reason to put them on YOUR hit list!
Downtown Credo
Now, I know that LinkedIn is stereotypically just for businesses, and not “as social” as Instagram or Facebook, but this company, Puff N Stuff Catering is doing such a great job with their image. At first glance at their page, the cover photo tells you EXACTLY what they do and WHY you should hire them now… for great food. They update their page with their latest events and they let people know what kind of food they served and how they arranged it.
Puff N Stuff Catering
Our next #LocalLove spotlight goes out to a new business on the downtown Orlando block, Ten10 Brewing with a showcase on their Twitter page. This company is taking full advantage of using the right hashtags and tagging other locals in their post. Take this one as an example:
Ten10 Brewing
And, don’t we all have a case of the Monday’s? Yes. The answer is yes. Ten10 Brewing is located off of Virginia and is the new local hot-spot for fresh brewed beer.
Last, but not least is the final local doing it right. This local is snapping photos of Orlando locals and local venues. This company is MacBeth Photography. We’re showcasing their Google+ page and what they’re doing right is everything. They have an amazing cover photo:
Macbeth Photography
They have all of their information updated and a great logo that FITS within the allotted space. Google+ can be a difficult one to master, but they’re doing it with almost 50,000 views to this profile. You may know Macbeth Photo from this campaign they just did with Rethink Homeless which lead to this amazing map being produced: Macbeth Photography
We truly do live in an amazing city, Orlando. I feel that it’s a big city with a small-town feel and these locals are helping us stay trendy, full and interactive. Let us know what you thought about this #LocalLove post and about those we chose to feature on it. Tweet us at @SouthStreet_Co.
Kaitlyn CookAbout the author:
Kaitlyn Cook is the Owner and Cheif Marketer at South Street & Co. She has a passion for helping business both local and nation-wide. Her company specializes in digital marketing and helping businesses reach their target clientele. South Street & Co. HQ is located in downtown Orlando in Thorton Park.
Instagram: SouthStreet_Co
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