3 Savvy Ways To Improve Your Small Business Facebook Page

3 Savvy Ways To Improve Your Small Business Facebook Page

3 Savvy Ways To Improve Your Small Business Facebook Page

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ever since Facebook allowed business pages to boost posts, business profiles have been able to improve their reach, engagement and brand awareness. The option to boost posts allows you to promote a specific post to target the interests, job titles and much more. These are potential customers who may be interested in the goods and services offered by your business.

Improve Your Reach

The small business Facebook page option to boost post is a unique tool that allows you to reach a larger audience. You can access this tool by logging into your Facebook Manager. Select the page where the post is that you would like to boost and click it.  Here’s an example below:

small business facebook page


Once you’ve clicked the “Boost Post” button in the bottom right corner. You will be redirected to a screen that looks a lot like this:

small business facebook page


On this screen, you are able to specify exactly who you would like to reach, how much you are willing to spend, and afterward, you will be given a rough estimate of how many people your ad can reach.

Establish Brand Awareness

As a small business owner, social media is the quickest way to gain brand awareness of your company. Unless you plan on going door-to-door to everyone in the country, which we wouldn’t recommend.

A small business Facebook page is the way to go! However, you can’t stop at simply creating your Facebook business page — you need people to know about your page!

small business facebook page


According to Dictionary.com, brand awareness is the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.

This concept is an essential part of your business. The more familiar people are with the services and products, the more likely they are to purchase from your business. More importantly, they may refer your business to a friend or family member.

Boosted posts are able to help you achieve this brand awareness by giving you the option to target people that fit the demographic you are looking for. Facebook interests cover just about everything. Here’s a quick look into some of what Facebook offers:

small business facebook page


On this screen, you will search various interests that relate to your target market. Facebook interests can range from lifestyle choices, such as dieting, and even the human eye. Believe it or not, there are over 70,109,200 people interested in the human eye. (We were shocked too!)

Investing In Your Engagement

Once your business has established its brand awareness, your Facebook page should focus on getting followers engaged in the content you are posting.

Engagement is a major key to a successful small business Facebook page. Engagement means people who aren’t only seeing the content you are posting but they are interested enough to either react to it or comment underneath it.

Boosting posts can improve this engagement by reaching an audience that exceeds the list of followers you may have.

small business facebook page

We currently have 1,142 followers on our Facebook page. When we boost, our posts are able to reach over 3,000 people targeting specific interest, job titles and industries.

What marketing strategies has your company been using to maximize its social media presence? If you’d like more social media marketing tips, click here to contact us!

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