3 Elements To Effective Product Packaging That Sucks The Consumer In

3 Elements To Effective Product Packaging That Sucks The Consumer In

3 Elements To Effective Product Packaging That Sucks The Consumer In

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We have all fallen for genius marketing when it comes to product packaging, but have no idea why, or what drove us to want to buy the product. Here’s how impactful product packaging can be for your business.

Imagine you are in the cereal aisle of a supermarket in a country you have never been to before. You don’t speak the language and are unfamiliar with their local cereal brands, so the only factor assisting you in deciding what you will eat the next morning is the packaging. What colors draw attention to you? What picture looks more interesting? Can you have a grasp of the flavors of each different cereal? If you end up picking one that becomes a favorite of yours, I can guarantee they did an excellent job at product packaging.

When choosing elements for your product’s design, imagine that you’re selling to an extraterrestrial creature (who speaks the same language), they should know exactly what you are selling– bonus points if they can tell what your mission is.

Here is how you can effectively draw attention among all the different options your consumers may have:


As scary as that may sound to a nonspecialist, color psychology is not difficult to come around. It basically means that there were studies in the past that showed the average person relates certain colors to different feelings. For example, the color red will indicate energy, will bring more attention, so if your product is related to the sports industry, red may be a good option for your product’s packaging.


Most of the time, packages have at least a small graphic on it. That says a lot about what your company is trying to tell its consumers. If you have a younger audience, a modern design could be a good option. Or, if you want to bring attention to an older generation, refer to how packaging used to look like when they grew up, so you can create a nostalgic feeling to it.

Product Packaging


There are infinite options for your product to be packaged creatively. You can have a transparent screen in order to show your product, you can make a uniquely-shaped box to stand out from your competition, utilize bold colors, add playful wording on it… Anyways, you get the idea. Have fun with it because it’s going to represent your brand for years to come!


Product packaging needs to be more than just another obstacle for your audience to get to the product itself, it has to be interactive, they have to want to play or touch the packaging itself.

In an era where everyone is sharing, posting and tapping, if your product can make it to thousands of people’s timelines for having an interesting packaging, then that is free advertising for your business!

If you need help crafting new product packaging that makes a statement, we have the experience and resources to do so. We also offer product photography to ensure you’re creating an experience around your brand that consumers want to be a part of. Contact us today to get started!

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