This One Event Is Why I Monitor Lake Nona Social Media Sites Regularly

This One Event Is Why I Monitor Lake Nona Social Media Sites Regularly

Monitor Lake Nona Social Media Sites

This One Event Is Why I Monitor Lake Nona Social Media Sites Regularly

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This week has been one word, crazy. Along with the holidays being right around the corner, and on everyone’s mind, I had an interesting incident happen. This incident happened to involve one of my favorite social media sites, Instagram, and this is the primary reason I monitor Lake Nona social media sites regularly.

A quick run-down of Instagram; it is the perfect place to interact with people simply over pictures. There are companies on Instagram, people, and famous brands. Instagram is a place where people can come together over one common thing, pictures.

So, as the story continues, one of the social media accounts that I manage had an interesting turn of events, which is why you should monitor Lake Nona social media sites regularly. The account is about a year old and is constantly growing followers and likes, which is the goal. But then I had about 7 comments in a row, in all caps and they were not very kind comments. Confused, I looked into what was happening and a company in the UK was commenting on our photos and leaving nasty comments.

Side note, this company (and my company) are located in Florida. Unless this other company had a patient and/or client who visited Florida and went back home very, very frustrated, this was a hacked account.

So naturally I searched the account ready to call them, but then realized I didn’t have international calling abilities, so email was my next bet. I sent them an email asking them to kindly remove the posts before I contacted the Instagram authorities. They responded very confused but said they would look into the issue since we were the fourth email they’d received that day about similar issues.

In the end, I re-tagged them in all of the posts that had been hacked and they removed the comments. They apologized and assured us that the account had been hacked and the password had been changed.

This was definitely a lesson on our end – Always monitor social media sites! Whether you check them every day, every other day, or once per week, make sure you always check what people are saying and what they are posting.

Let’s think about the other side of the story for a second… What if I hadn’t caught those nasty comments and someone searched a hashtag I used in a post? They would have come across those photos and seen the negative comments made about my company. That may have deterred potential clients from calling or it may have deterred people from following us all together.

I recently talked about Content Suicide. This is when a site isn’t updated and no one updates it for a while, leading customers to think it’s no longer active, or making them turn away. This is along the same lines and the perfect example of why you need to monitor your social media sites.

For questions or comments about how to monitor Lake Nona social media sites, or your own social media, contact us today. Otherwise, follow our ever-active social media sites on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram.

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