How to Use Hashtags To Grow Your Business

How to Use Hashtags To Grow Your Business

How to Use Hashtags To Grow Your Business

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What are hashtags and how can you use them to grow your business?

Welcome to 2018: where businesses are taking the internet by storm. You are among millions of like-minded people with your main goal being to stand out and ultimately grow your business. But, with so much traffic on the internet, how are you going to direct them to your business in the easiest way possible? Look no further. We’re going to show you exactly how to use hashtags to grow your business.


What Are Hashtags & How Do We Use Them?

Grow your businessBy now, hashtags should be a part of your everyday life. But, if you’re among those who don’t know much about them, I’ll break it down for you in the simplest way.

Hashtags are a way to categorize your posts into small lists using the “#” symbol, followed by your desired “list name.” This allows the social media platform to organize posts into these lists, which makes it easier for people to find your post when they search your hashtag. Cool right?


How Can People Find My Hashtag

When making social media posts, you can use a combination of hashtags: those that have already been created and those you create yourself. The best hashtags are catchy, easy to remember, and are searched most frequently. Hashtags should also be related to your brand that way you can direct the audience to your business page, which can increase the chances of you growing your business! Be consistent when using your hashtags. The more times you post them (or get others to use it), the more likely people will see your content.

Hashtags are most commonly placed at the end of each post you make– spaced away from the body of your caption. This makes your post less cluttered and allows the consumer to navigate your post easier.

Grow your business

Uses For Hashtags

Hashtags can be used across multiple social media platforms. On Facebook, you can hashtag-in your update. Remember to only do this about 1-2 times throughout. Otherwise, it gets overwhelming.

On Instagram, you can use up to 29 different hashtags. You want these to be a combination of items that relate to your business, your location, and your products. Remember, don’t go over 30. If you do, Instagram will delete your caption and you’ll have to start all over!

On LinkedIn, you can also use hashtags. They suggest them within the area you’re adding your update. You can use them throughout the content as well as on Facebook. We suggest around 3-4 on LinkedIn.

Overall, hashtags are essential to helping people find your content, and for your content to be seen. At South Street & Co., we’ve developed social media strategies that always involve hashtags. They’re an integral part to social media marketing. If your business is in need of social media assistance, contact us today!  

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