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A conversion goal is something every small business should want to constantly increase. But, what are conversion goals exactly? A conversion goal is the amount of people who contact you from your website. Whether it be from your contact me form, or calling your business personally. A conversion goal should be set for each owner so they constantly check on the status of the goal to make sure they’re reaching it.
How to you know what your conversion rate is though? Your conversion goal is the amount of people who reach out to your site divided by the amount of people who visit your site. So let’s say 100 people came to your site and only 4 of them called you or reached out to you in general. Your conversion goal would be 4%. The industry average is around 3-4%. I know what you’re thinking… “But those rates are low, how do I increase them?” Good question! I’ve broken it down into easy steps and here they are:
To increasing conversion goals can be simple and here are some things you should try with your website. Please note; everyone’s market and target market are different. Test these out to see if your conversion rate increases.
1. Decrease the amount of fields people have to fill out. A recent study concluded that conversion rate dropped by 5% if people had to give out their phone number. Try taking the phone number out to see if your rate increases.
2. Take out Captcha. This is a controversial step because Captcha is the little robot like question making sure you’re human and not trying to send spam. Most likely, if you page doesn’t get a lot of hits, you don’t need this feature. If your website is getting more than 100 hits per day, keep the feature on your contact form.
3. Take up less space with form fields. By taking up less space it’s less intimidating for people to fill out. Think about putting your labels inside of the text boxes as an alternative for space.
4. Let people know you respect their privacy. People aren’t just going to give your information out to those who they don’t know. Try placing a little text above saying something like, “We respect your privacy and will not share your information.” This statement tells people you respect them and will not send their information to spammers.
5. Try to put the form above the fold on the page. What does this mean? It means that a form above the portion where people scroll down has a better chance of being filled out as opposed to a form on the bottom of the page.
These tips and tricks should be tested on your website to see which methods work best. Conversion rates are different across all industries, however, if you implement these your conversion rate should see an increase.
For more questions or to get your free website analysis, contact us here. See our Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram pages for more information and tips on conversion rates.
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