A Behind-The-Scenes Glance Into My Life As Community Creative

A Behind-The-Scenes Glance Into My Life As Community Creative

A Behind-The-Scenes Glance Into My Life As Community Creative

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The days consist of client meetings, team meetings, emails (and more emails), editing, creating, and more.

My job as a Community Creative has many different aspects. I’m the point of contact for all clients in our company, which entails meetings, calls, emails, editing content, approving content– and making sure everyone is happy.

I’ll be honest, mornings aren’t my strong suit, I rarely drink coffee (I know, gasp) so I have to dig deep to find the motivation.


I usually start my work day between 8 and 9 in the morning. I tend to have many meetings and calls throughout the day so I look at my calendar first to ensure I have everything mapped out.

When I walk in, I touch base with everyone on the team to make sure they’re all good to start their work and don’t need anything from me from the get-go. Then, I look through my emails to see if there’s anything pressing that needs to get done.


Meetings for me usually start at 10 am. I make sure I have everything ready for the meeting and out the door, I go with my iPad, agenda, and monthly report in tote.

Meeting with clients is one of my favorite things to do. We use these meetings to touch base, brainstorm and talk about the next big thing for them. Having these monthly meetings with clients is so important because it assures us that we have everything we need to make their marketing a success.


When I get back from a meeting, I always add in any items that I need to do from my meeting into Asana (our project management system) so I don’t forget.

After that, I usually have some things to approve on my list from the team, so I take time to look through all of those items, edit them and give feedback. These approvals for me can range from logo edits, website edits, blogs and social posts.


By this time, my thumb typically goes to click on the Uber EATS app– I know, what a bad habit! I’m ready by this point to take a little breather and feed my brain. I don’t typically take an hour lunch but try to step outside on the front porch to eat.


Let the new website walkthroughs or logo walkthroughs commence. When we build new websites for clients or create logos we always sit down either in person or over a video call to go through the new phase. I love seeing ideas come to life in the form of websites and logos. I’ll walk through the project piece by piece with our clients and write down their feedback. Once the meeting is over, I’ll sit down and map out all the changes they requested and send it over to our creatives.


At this point, my email is usually 20 unread emails deep, so I try to go through all of them and respond. Once I’ve completed that task, I’ll start working through my Asana tasks. I do one at a time to make sure that I’m completing everything and to ensure that I’m in the mindset of one task at a time.


Yawning tends to start around now, so I usually make myself a cup of tea to finish out the day. I check in with the team and see what’s going on, what they’ve completed and if they need any help. In the afternoon, I usually work through my bigger tasks because the day starts to calm down. At this time you can find me mapping out a website, creating a content plan, or walking through websites to give feedback.


My last hour of the day is spent tying up any loose ends, making sure all deadlines of the day were met and hopping back on my email. I respond to everyone and add items to Asana to make sure everything needed is scheduled out. I’ll also look through my tasks and complete anything else that needs to be done.

My days are filled with fast-paced tasks and meetings which makes it very exciting and challenging. I’ve definitely had to hone in on my organizational skills to do my job well and to the standards that South Street & Co. expects. Communication is key in my position and I always want to make sure everyone else on our team and our clients have everything they need in order to succeed.

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