How To Come Up With Killer Blog Posts

How To Come Up With Killer Blog Posts

How To Come Up With Killer Blog Posts

How To Come Up With Killer Blog Posts

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Coming up with killer blog posts can be difficult and time consuming. Some may even give up before they have an idea. Don’t worry though, because coming up with killer blog posts is part Nancy Drew, part James Bond and part smarts. Don’t worry, you don’t need any formal training in the killer blog posts department. That’s where I come in.

I have the perfect solution to coming up with killer blog posts. “How,” you may ask. Well it’s as simple as this: think if you were the client, what would you type into Google. This is obviously the Nancy Drew coming alive in all of us. Take this as an example: If you were searching for an air conditioner repair company, you might type in one of the following:

  • AC repair
  • AC help
  • How much does it cost to get my ac repaired?
  • Air conditioning company near me
  • Air conditioning company with great reviews

All of these search queries are probabilities when it comes to someone searching for a, air conditioning repair company. Now, let’s use our James Bond skills and karate chop the competition with killer blog posts and titles we can implement using these key words. How about these:

  • What To Do When Your Air Conditioning Breaks
  • 10 Tips to Keep Your AC Alive Longer
  • AC Help When You’re In a Pinch
  • Air Conditioning Repair Company
  • How Do You Know If Your AC Needs To Be Replaced

Now we use our smarts and implement great content from our wealth of knowledge of our company. This paired with a great and catchy headline of a subject a client is most likely searching is the key to coming up with killer blog posts.

If you or someone you know needs help with blogging, content, or coming up with blog ideas, contact us here. For more information and tips on killer blog posts, see our Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram pages.

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