4 Foolproof Ways To Come Up With Catchy Headlines

4 Foolproof Ways To Come Up With Catchy Headlines

4 Foolproof Ways To Come Up With Catchy Headlines

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to writing, you may have the writing part of your blog post down, but what about your headline? What about your header? Title? It can be hard to come up with a catchy headline.

Just like there are countless ways to say “headline,” there are also countless ways to write a headline. Some headlines are more compelling than others too. Some will draw in an audience, and others will make people scroll right by.

Here are a few pointers on how to come up with catchy headlines that are noteworthy:

Do Some Research

Doing research is something I usually do after writing a blog. Headlines or titles are hard to come by, and most of my titles (in the beginning) are generally just there as filler while I write my content. Rarely does the blog post title come first. On the off chance, it does, I count my blessings letter by letter, word by word.

My research usually consists of me going on Pinterest (yeah, that’s right, Pinterest). Pinterest is very visual and eye-catching, which is what you want your blog post title to be. You want it to be inspiring, and eye-popping (figuratively, of course).


catchy headlines


For example, when I was searching for, “How to come up with blog titles” on Pinterest for inspiration for blog titles, I found many catchy headlines and information that was helpful in composing this post.

As a side note, when coming up with a title, make sure you keep your blog post title under 70 characters. Anything longer than 70 characters will be cut off by Google when someone is doing a Google search. You don’t want that to happen.

Use Keywords

You want to use keywords. This is more for SEO than it is for creating a catchy blog title, but without properly using keywords, your blog will likely not see the light of day.

Do keyword research using Google Adwords and find a keyword that will best fit into your content or title; inversely, find a keyword and write your blog and come up with your title. Here is an example of a blog we have written where you can also use Google Keyword Planner (now know as, Google Adwords) to help you find the right keyword. 


catchy headlines


Whichever way you decide to find keywords, make sure it’s the way that works best for you as a writer and blogger.

Keep A Promise

A headline is a promise. If you grab an article that says “4 Easy Tips for Working From Home” and it says nothing about work or home, you’d be disappointed. Keep your audience in mind. Think about who your audience is and how to properly target them with catchy headlines.

Here are some examples of blog titles to help you keep your promise:

Blog Title Templates

Blog title templates are something that I use all the time. Here are some simple formulas to consider when thinking up some nifty, crafty, creative blog post titles.

  • Use numbers
  • Add Engaging Adjectives
  • Use a call to action

Here are some examples of templates you can use:

  • Instructional
    • How to…
    • The Dos and Don’ts…
    • The Essential Guide to…
  • Curious
    • What Everyone Should Know About…
    • Tips for… That You Absolutely Need to Know…
  • Easy Fixes
    • How to Jump Start Your…
    • How to Quickly…

So when it comes to writing catchy headlines, I hope that this blog has helped you!

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