5 Marketing Skills I’ve Gained Since Starting My Internship

5 Marketing Skills I’ve Gained Since Starting My Internship

5 Marketing Skills I’ve Gained Since Starting My Internship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since starting my internship, I’ve had the opportunity to put my existing skills to the test and gain some new ones along the way. Here are some marketing skills that have become vital during my internship.

Canva Graphics

Before my internship, I had never heard of Canva and had no idea what the program was. Fortunately, I learned quickly that it is an excellent program for putting together graphics for our clients and our brand. I have discovered which graphics can be the most eye-catching– and not just to me, but the intended audience. 

Hashtag Research 

To get your posts seen on social media by your target audience, you need to craft proper hashtags. Hashtags help get your content out to the kind of people who would be interested in what your company and brand offers. I didn’t know what hashtag research entailed until I had to dig for those hashtags that were not just relevant, but would best help to promote our content. Now that I’m two months into my internship, I have a good list of hashtags and know how to find and pair hashtags with graphics and content more effectively. 

Relating to Clients

A part of developing marketing content for clients is getting to know their business and their target audience. You’re not developing content that you believe would appeal to you, but that appeals to the people who would benefit from their product and service. 

By putting myself in the client’s shoes and understanding their brand and values, I now have a better grasp on creating content. I’ve learned that it is best to research your client and their industry so you can get a good handle on how your client appears to an outside viewer or potential customers.

Social Media Posts 

We create a lot of content not just for clients but for our own company and brand, as well. I’ve had to learn how to utilize social media to create posts that are engaging and appealing to our target audience. I’ve been able to sharpen my skills by adding an emoji or two to lighten up the post and to increase relatability, as well as writing a caption that engages with the viewer. This way, the viewer is more likely to interact with our content directly. 


There is a distinct difference between writing research papers and writing blog posts. When it comes to blogging, you can have a particular topic or one that is a little more general but has specific points that are easy to follow. For me, this involves taking a more direct approach and keeping things more simple rather than long and complicated. The first blog post is always the hardest, but every one after that gets more natural and fun. 

If these sound like skills you would be interested in gaining and developing alongside your marketing knowledge, I encourage you to apply to be an intern next semester! It’s been a great learning experience that I’d recommend to anyone interested in immersing themselves in the marketing world! Fill out the form below to reach out to our owner Kaitlyn for all your marketing endeavors:

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