3 Common Slip-Ups To Avoid Making In Your Content Marketing Strategy

3 Common Slip-Ups To Avoid Making In Your Content Marketing Strategy

3 Common Slip-Ups To Avoid Making In Your Content Marketing Strategy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There’s a lot that goes into a content marketing strategy, except for these three little things. Are you making these mistakes?

Crafting a content marketing strategy is just a game of what works where and with who. It’s about learning what kind of content your audiences engage with and which platforms they frequent most. However, the keyword here is strategy because without a strategy, the following mistakes happen that can set us further from our goal. 

Too Much Fluff!

There’s a common misconception when it comes to marketing that the more content you put out there, the better your business’s chances are of being noticed. While this is true in the sense that you should be dispersing content on all platforms to maximize your reach, there’s a fine line between putting out strategic content and putting out fluff. 

‘Fluff’ can be described as information or content that is designed for quantity over quality. This is seen by over-posting on social media or by keyword stuffing in a blog post. Both instances are commonly misconstrued as beneficial when, in reality, it’s a business practice that both Google and South Street & Co. don’t recommend. 

Which leads me to my next point…

Dispersing The Same Content On All Platforms 

If you’re posting consistently on social media, bravo! We don’t want the following information to deter you from keeping up with what you’re already doing. However, it’s important to be strategic about the platforms you’re posing on because your audiences aren’t the same across the board. 

For example, Instagram is a more visual platform. Consumers go on Instagram to consume a visual experience of what people, brands and businesses are doing. If you want to gain followers or at least gain interest, you need to market your business in a visually-appealing way. You can do this by investing in product photography for your feed, taking videos of behind-the-scenes services, introducing your team and what it’s like working there, etc. The idea for Instagram is to tailor your content to appeal to the eye, so you’ll need to adjust your posts accordingly. 

Use the image we created below to mirror the perfect Instagram page: 

Content Marketing Strategy

Facebook is similar in that it’s also important to keep visuals in mind in order to stop people from scrolling, but it’s also a medium that’s used for recommendations and interaction. When it comes to Facebook, be sure to include a picture, a well-thought-out caption and a link to your website. 

Too often do we see people use the same Instagram caption on Facebook without taking the opportunity to utilize their link feature. Your demographic on Facebook will also be slightly older than Instagram, so that’s important to keep in mind, as well. 

LinkedIn is a whole other ball game that is only becoming more and more useful in a content marketing strategy. LinkedIn is a platform that’s designed for business, so whether your company is B2B or B2C, your audience is still utilizing this space. LinkedIn is good for more informative posts, like linking back to a recent blog or telling a story about how your business overcame an obstacle. Regardless of whether or not you think your audience is on LinkedIn, people are always watching and if you impress them, they’ll pay it forward in the future! 

Publishing & Forgetting 

Once you click ‘post’ on a blog or an Instagram picture, it’s not goodbye, it’s see ya later! If we have one piece of advice it would be to repurpose your content. As a marketing agency, we often hear the misconception that marketing is all about wowing people with fresh content and cool ideas. Knowing that, we understand why people assume marketing is way out of their league! While we’d love to think this is feasible, there’s no reason to not share and re-share evergreen content that could drive more traffic to your website or socials. 

We’re so passionate about repurposing content that Kaitlyn created a whole course about it! It’s so important to us that you know to never feel as if you’re running out of fuel or ideas to market your business because there’s always something you worked hard on that you can repurpose for the future. 

And if there’s anything we can do to help with your content marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to ask! Fill out the form below to schedule a free, 30-minute call with Kaitlyn to go over your marketing concerns/goals. Let’s squash these misconceptions and mistakes once and for all!

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